to text, ATM seems to have no value. The strength of ATM is its ability to create clean, sharp characters in unusual sizes, particularly very large or small. ATM is a slow process on a Mac Plus, but may prove to be very acceptable on faster machines. Also, the resolution difference on other printers (300 dots per inch) may show better usage of ATM’s output.
Apple’s Outline Font
Adobe and Apple have different techniques of achieving Outline Fonts. Adobe has simple formulas (Bezier) describing their Fonts. Included in these files is a list of “hints” that allow the System to generate clear characters at extreme sizes. Adobe’s system places heavy dependence on the rasterizer software for the eventual text that is drawn. Apple, on the other hand, uses Font files with elaborate and much
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larger formulas (Cubic). These formulas also contain “hints” for spacing and layout. The rasterizer is not as complex in the Apple Royal System. Heavier dependance in the built in formulas in the font files will make their creation more tedious, thus possibly slow the process of third party production.
Theoretical Comparison
Comparing the Apple Royal Fonts to ATM is difficult since the Apple Fonts are not released to the general public. Certain theoretical comparisons can be made. First, ATM font files will be far smaller and compact than Apple’s. ATM files will be exportable to other PostScript interpreting environments. Apple font generation will